For the months of August and September, I had the privilege of being the final "Bartender In Residence" at Likewise in Portland. Over the course of May and June, we talked about creating the ideal space for drinking. We discussed small bars, like those found in Japan and how they invited a very intimate experience, and forced conversation between strangers. With Adam and Nancy’s help we made "Nate's Place", a bar within a bar. Tuesday through Saturday night you would find me serving gin and Miller High Life to my “regulars” and newcomers. Choosing to only serve gin was based off the idea of an older mentality, the alcohol that is somehow been lost from its early twentieth century dominance with very few bottles on the shelf. It is also a response to bars in the Portland area not offering the variety of gin you would assume based on the amount of it made in Oregon and Washington. Having six bottles available and never the same bottle twice allowed for customers to have a unique experience every time they came in to the bar.